Its Fast and Deadly 100% pure screak patty, impudent tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, onions, special sauce and melting cheese every last(predicate) of which ar sandwiched between two humungous pieces of sesame buns. Add those scrumptious French fries and that cold iced tea- you have a Cheeseburger Deluxe. Yes, its a taste of heaven. And at the same time, the riotousest way to your very doom. A spry f ar fodder is by all odds seriously for your health. Imagine all those monosodium glutamates and excess oil clogging your arteries and veins- by the age of 40 you must have already suffered a stroke or a major intent attack. A single bite of that zinger meal, or slight imbibe of that light speed float contains about a gazillion toxic chemicals that lead later invade your fragile personify system. True, fast food meals are very delicious and mouth-watering, barely ben dischargeh that harming appearance, lies the horrible truth. Studies revealed that a fast fo od diet move cause drastic weight gain, irreversible face and liver-colored damage, and other life-thr eat onening diseases. The culprits behind all of these are the preservatives and chemicals the producers usually use to enhance the flavor of the products. If youve noticed, fast foods are ever much high in fats, sodium and calorie content, making them a whole lot deadlier. One more(prenominal) thing, fast foods are rushed.

Thats why they coined the term fast food, because of how fast they are prepared. And judging by the time of preparation, the quality of the meals would suffer, thereby forcing them to implement harmful chemicals (that youll be munching on later!) to squee! ze up the discrepancies in taste, color and appearance. Aside from the hazardous cause to the body, fast food is not, in anyway possible, practical. Theyre a crazy house lot more expensive than the usual twinge you eat at home. Youll even need to spend more than your portion daily allowance to satisfy that growling stomach. why eat at Mcdo, when you can get a fitter and more filling dish in one of the local restaurants...If you involve to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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